Wednesday, March 21, 2012

One week worth of bentos

One week of holidays and rest. We had a staycation at Resorts World Sentosa and of course, had to visit Universal Studios Singapore. It could have been more shiok for me, but because of the tot, hubby and I had to take turns (with me taking the more exhilarating, thrilling rides with Takoyaki).

And now Term 2 has begun, kicking off the PV season in our school.

Cream cheese sandwiches, fruits, cherry toms and M&Ms mix in a new box.
Chocolate sandwich with cream cheese/spring onion filling, tomato/cuke rolls and grapes
Ham n cheese sandwich and apple bunnies
Riceball, chicken, cuke sticks and grapes
Lunch in school for myself and girl - Riceballs, opor ayam, raw vegs and assorted fruits, plus a jar of ocha.
Murukku, chicken wing and plum.
Pizza, apple and cherry toms
Seaweed breadsticks, seaweed chicken and grapes.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sports Day!

One thing about having a child in Upper Primary and one in Lower Primary in our school is that if I want to attend the Sports Day (which is only for Upper Primary), I have to lug both #2 and #3 along. I love bringing my kids out, but it's really hot at the stadium and slinging or Ergoing the tot is no joke. And for today I had to prepare bentos for all of us (to be eaten at the sports stadium). There's one more for Takoyaki's best friend.
Riceballs with salmon filling, carrot tamagoyakis, ham flowers, cuke sticks and assorted fruits.

Actually, I found it quite enjoyable to do this "mass production", firstly because I only had to do at least 5 portions of each type of food and divide them between the boxes, and secondly, I could finally make a proper tamagoyaki. An authentic tamagoyaki involves making many layers of egg (layer rolled around layer), but when I'm just making it for one kid, I only use one egg, which results in a very skinny final product. Check out the layers of the tamagoyaki in the photo! Satisfaction. Here's a closer look at the bentos for Takoyaki and friend (I embellished them a little).

Last bentos tomorrow for both kids, and then it's the March one-week hols. Breaktime!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Snackboxes on display

The boy (we shall call him Mr Roast Meat) whom this blog was started for has entered Primary school and is, for some reason, very shy about buying food from the school tuckshop. So after his chickenpox stint at the start of Primary One last year (on the first day of school, no less!) I started packing a snackbox (aka bento) for him to bring to school everyday. Here is today's.

Madeleine, BabyBel cheese with a face carved on it and a Decepticon apple

Initially, I did not prepare bentos for his elder sister (Takoyaki) who was in P4 at the time, because she had been fine with buying food. However, she became interested in the boxes that I was preparing for her brother, and also started CCA which required her to then take two meals in school, so she started asking me for bentos on some days. As things worked out pretty well, she now brings bentos three days a week. This gives me some breathing space, as I normally prepare hers the night before. Here was hers today.

Madeleine, beancurd wrapped chicken and mini clementine

Earlier bentos can be found at

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