Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Unfortunate circumstances but must still Bento

My Fisher & Paykel refrigerator has given up its ghost, and the new Sharp fridge will only arrive earliest Wed but more probably Thursday. Meantime, I'm living out of cooler boxes (with neighbours helping to store some stuff. But the bentoing must go on! *cue maniacal laughter*

I managed to cop this together for Roast Meat today.

Seaweed chicken, peanut butter sandwiches, grapes and cherry tomatoes (the last two of which are stored in the cooler boxes. I can't very well go and knock on my neighbour's door for ingredients at 5.30am).

1. Toast seaweed chicken and spread peanut butter on sandwiches. Cut and emboss with cookie cutter. Pack into box.
2. Place seaweed chicken to cool in front of the fan.
3. Wash grapes and tomatoes, and stick picks into them. Pack.
4. Clear all the baskets of condiments (from the dead fridge) off the kitchen island and wipe the counter surface.
5. Attend to tot who woke up asking for milk. Put him back to bed asap.
6. Pack chicken in and take photo.

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