From bentoing that is, since there was no school the whole of last week thanks to four days of PSLE marking and one PH, but it was revision for exams week! Well ok, we did take two days off to go for a day trip to Johor Bahru and the Mummy: Secrets of the Tomb exhibition, so it was kind of relaxing.
And now back to exams week! For Roast Meat, who is pretty blur at times so I am rather worried. Yes. (Can any mother not be?)
There are 4 packages in the Lego lunchbox but the sandwiches inside are exactly the same, heehee! All are pork jerky with green oak lettuce sandwiches. I used up some small pieces of precut foil leftover from previous bentos to wrap them up. On the side are green grapes and cherry tomatoes.
RM wants to buy wantan mee from the tuckshop tomorrow and Takoyaki does not want a bento, so I'm free to do some of my other stuff tonight, such as catching up with blogging about homeschooling on my other blog, and preparing materials for said homeschooling.