Friday, January 30, 2015

Salted Onigiris

RM has always complained about plain onigiris so I tried the age-old method of salting the onigiris on the outside to add some flavour. However, he reported that he didnt taste anything different. What am I missing??

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Bread & buns - easy and convenient bento choice

As I'm sure many bento'ers will agree.

Both brought tuna sandwiches on top of raisin bread for Takoyaki and some store buns for RM.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Mondays are always tiring

Another lovely day when I have to prepare completely different bentos for Takoyaki and Roast Meat. Thankfully, there was less to do for RM because his sushi were all store-bought. No raw fish, safe for bento.

Takoyaki was adamant about bringing (planned over) Spaghetti Bolognese, otherwise known as meat sauce pasta in our family.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Rice always tastes good with Furikake

Shallot omelette strips (for a change from tamagoyaki)
Cocktail sausage
Cucumber slices

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Easy Peasy

Store bought. Short cut.

Roast Meat came back and asked me why I'd given him strawberries. Ye gods. I didn't realise I'd mixed up their boxes.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Fatigued Friday Sandwich

I found some lovely printed foils and wax paper, all bento-sized, over the last holidays. Yahoo! Loacker Tortina was a gift from my neighbour and after trying one, we're hooked. It tastes like KitKat but of better quality (and I don't buy Nestle products) so I will be hunting for these in stores to add to my stash.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

And we come to our second bento staple... Onigiri

This is why it is important to cook extra rice for dinner the night before. So easy to just mix in some furikake and pack into a riceball wrap.

Snack box: 
Prawn rolls and cheese
White and round Mystery item

Recess box:
Jack Skellington apple
Ham flower
Cuke sticks
White and odd-shaped Mystery item

Monday, January 12, 2015

Eclecticism Is Our Frequent Guest Bento'er

Because sometimes you just gotta make do with what you have. Although my family would just call this "Chinese".

Takoyaki's menu:
Preserved turnip omelette (cai bor nng 菜甫蛋) on rice
KFC Roasta drumlet
The usual fruits and cherry tomatoes

RM's was simply a Polar chicken pie. To ensure the students don't get too hungry during the extended hours of single session, there is now a 5-10 minute snack break in class, so I have to provide a small box of fruits or healthy snack everyday. Thankfully, I've been bentoing for some time.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

First Fly Lice of 2015 has appeared!

When in doubt, always turn to Fried Rice. One of Roast Meat's most favourite foods in the whole world.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Bento Mojo Cranking Up

And so we take on the second day of school with a simple bento of sandwiches, ham flowers and tamagoyaki. I achieved a(n almost) round tamagoyaki! Will share in another post later.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy 2015!

I'm all geared up to bento! (surprisingly, haha). For the first day of school, although it's just one day (Friday), I decided to give Roast Meat a bento because our school is beginning single session this year and we all don't know what's going to happen at recess or how the timetables are going to work out. And RM can't do without his food! He might cry if he doesn't fill that empty hole in his stomach...

So here's a simple toss 'em all together box with somen, homemade salmon flakes, edamame, Taiwanese sausages, shredded lettuce and cherry tomatoes. I had the leftovers last night when I was making it and it was GOOOOOD.

Wishing everyone a blessed and energetic 2015! May we all find the strength in us to bento no matter what!
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