Friday, October 10, 2014

Finally Friday - Clear Pantry Bento

Friday is very much a Clear Pantry Day for me. Partly because my battery is almost flat by then, and partly because Thursday is when my part time cleaner comes and cleans up our pigsty, so I try to keep the kitchen clean after that by NOT COOKING d:) (What a great excuse, haha.)

Today's menu:
Weet-Bix Bites which are just the right size for bentos
Apple wedges (nothing fancy, I'm pooped)
Cheese sticks (cut from a block of cheddar cheese)

Happy weekend! We shall spend ours revising for RM's Science paper, so probably not that happy or relaxing....


  1. So neat! Weet bix bites looks like a great idea, I'll try packing for my older one. My other one only wants rice. -_-

  2. I know how you feel. My #3 who will enter school next year and has lots of allergies can most likely bring only rice. Boring.


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