Thursday, April 2, 2015

Back to Nutritious and Filling Bentos

My guilt finally caught up with me. I decided to spend some effort giving my kids wholesome yet delicious foods to bring to school today. Well, actually, I have quite a lot of planned overs from dinner yesterday, so...

Mixed brown and red rice, I love the texture of this rice - slightly chewy and has a flavour reminiscent of hot black glutinous rice porridge 黑糯米粥 (hei1 nuo4 mi3 zhou1) or pulut hitam as it's known in Malay, which is one of my favourite local desserts. It took me three tries to get the proportion of water and rice right, as the ratio given on the packaging produces cooked rice that is too wet and mushy. So if you're thinking of giving this Songhe red and brown rice mix a try, for perfectly cooked rice that is fully cooked yet not mushy or sticky, the ratio of rice to water should be 1:1.5.

Takoyaki's bento is up first. She has a long break today, during which the entire school will be queueing up at the tuckshop stalls, so she appreciates bringing a filling bento which she can take her time to eat and not have to join the mad rush.

Red and brown rice bento

Her rice is topped with some furikake and to with that she has some leftover shredded roast chicken.

Roast Meat's is pretty much the same, it just has fewer fruits 'cos his lunch time is only 30 min or less.

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